Marilyn Schaja

Financial Advisor

Education & Other Highlights

Marilyn Schaja is a wealth management financial advisor based in Lake Success, NY.

Marilyn became part of CAPTRUST in 2018 when FCE Group joined CAPTRUST. She serves as a prinicpal, financial advisor, and has been involved in the financial industry since 1983. She is experienced in providing trusted, highly skilled, fee-based, client-focused wealth management, investment advisory, and financial planning services, and has a history of maintaining client relationships over the long term and getting to know clients in depth.

Prior to joining FCE Group in 2012, she was a senior vice president at the Permal Group, a fund of funds advisor. Marilyn also spent ten years at Ivy Asset Management as a director of client development, and 17 years at Donaldson, Lufkin, and Jenrette where she was a senior vice president.


  • Bachelor of Science degree in economics from the State University of New York at Binghamton
  • Master of Business Administration degree in finance from the Stern School of Business at New York University


  • Treasurer of the Board of Directors and the Chairman of the Finance Committee, Fairways Community
  • Member, CAPTRUST Women’s Initiative


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