How we can help.

We help law firms design and deliver competitive retirement benefits that put their partners and staff in a position to successfully retire when the time comes.

CAPTRUST’s understanding of the legal industry benefit landscape along with our deep bench of resources and scale uniquely position us to help keep your plans competitive, engage partners and staff, benchmark service providers, assist with fiduciary oversight, and mitigate risk.

Moving From a MEP

Christine Crowe, administrative partner at Wilkinson Barker Knauer, LLP, discusses the unique challenges that law firms face when designing and running a retirement plan.

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Please note: This is a transcription so there may be slight grammatical errors.

Christine Crowe (00:00):

Up until 2016, we were part of a multi-employer plan for our 401k offering, and that had served us well when we were a smaller firm and the assets within our portion of the plan were smaller. But as we grew in size, and as the size of our participants’ accounts grew, and the total assets in our portion of that plan grew, it became clear to us that we were getting too big to be part of a multi-employer plan, and that we could offer more benefits and lower fees if we struck out on our own and sponsored our own individual plan.


It is an easy decision to decide to go and sponsor your own 401k plan and give your employees and other plan participants better benefits at lower costs, but to actually implement that takes a lot of work. It also requires a good partner to help guide you through that process. And CAPTRUST didn’t just give us the answers to those questions, they gave us the materials that were helpful to us to educate ourselves so that we felt comfortable knowing that we were making the right choice. They walked us through the process of putting the plan out for bidding, for record keepers, how we were going to save money for the plan, which directly goes into the pockets of plan participants, right? The lower fees you pay, the more money that stays in every participant’s account, and they were invaluable as a partner in that regard.

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