Five CAPTRUST Advisors Recognized by AdvisorHub

Five CAPTRUST advisors were named on AdvisorHub’s 2022 Advisors to Watch lists.

Five CAPTRUST advisors were ranked on AdvisorHub’s 2022 Advisors to Watch lists. This is the first year of advisor awards for the publication, and AdvisorHub received nominations from 189 firms and individual RIAs. The rankings are determined by three categories: the advisor’s scope of practice, growth of practice, and professionalism. This encompasses areas like asset growth, production, community service, regulatory record, and diversity.

The following advisors were on the 50 RIAs to Watch list:

In addition, Rebecca Pouliot was ranked number 20 on the 25 Women Advisors to Watch list, and Mike Gray was named number 194 on the Fast-Growing Advisors To Watch list.