Episode 54

This month, Jennifer Doss and Dawn McPherson look back on the first half of the year, including a mid-year market update with CAPTRUST’s Kevin Fieldman, director of investment research.

Listen to learn more about market volatility, inflation, and some SECURE 2.0 provisions that are affecting plan sponsors now and in the near future.  

Later, Mike Webb breaks down the enhanced tax credit for small businesses, a new provision in SECURE 2.0.

Subscribe to Revamping Retirement for more episodes with insights for plan sponsors.


Last month’s episode: “How America Saves,” with Vanguard

July 2023 Market Update with CIO Mike Vogelzang

In this episode of Mission + Markets, Heather Shanahan talks with Kristen Hoyle, CPA and audit partner at Thomas, Judy & Tucker P.A. Kristen’s work focuses on supporting nonprofit organizations with tax-related services.

Heather and Kristen cover an array of topics, including:

Subscribe to Mission + Markets for more insights for nonprofits and mission-focused organizations.

Additional Resources:

Last Episode: Episode 5: Grant Trends and Best Practices with Ruth Peebles

Honoring Donor Intent | Endowment and Foundations

In this episode of Mission + Markets, Heather Shanahan talks with Ruth Peebles, president and founder of nonprofit consulting firm The INS Group. The two discuss best practices and trends for grants, including:

Subscribe to Mission + Markets for more insights for nonprofits and mission-focused organizations.

Additional Resources

The INS Group – Innovative Nonprofit Solutions Since 1999

Last Episode: Episode 4: Building a Succession Plan with God’s Love We Deliver

Episode 53

This month, Jennifer Doss and Scott Matheson are joined by David Stinnett, principal of strategic retirement consulting at Vanguard. Stinnett breaks down the 22nd annual “How America Saves” report, which covers trends in retirement plan design and participant behavior, including the use of financial advice programs, savings rates, and more.

Later, Mike Webb covers Roth catch-up contributions in his SECURE 2.0 series of this month’s Minute with Mike.

Subscribe to Revamping Retirement for more episodes with insights for plan sponsors.


How America Saves (vanguard.com)

Episode 52

This month, Katie Gatti Tassin of Morning Brew’s Money with Katie show joins CAPTRUST’s Jennifer Doss and Scott Matheson on Revamping Retirement. Tassin is known for her financial expertise focused on the millennial generation and covering topics from long-term savings and 401(k) contributions to personal finance goals and salary negotiations.

With Jennifer and Scott, she discusses what millennials are most worried about when it comes to finance, and why saving for retirement should be a bigger priority.

Later, Mike Webb talks about the mandate of automatic enrollment in retirement plans in this month’s Minute with Mike.


Millennial Money with Katie | Spending, investing, and taxes

Is the Old Approach to Retirement Broken? A Millennial Guide to Financial Planning | The Money with Katie Show

This month, Heather Shanahan sits down with Karen Pearl and David Ludwigson of God’s Love We Deliver (GLWD). GLWD is a nonprofit organization based in New York City that provides medically tailored meals, plus nutrition counseling, to individuals living with severe and chronic illnesses. Founded in 1985, GLWD delivers these meals free of charge to clients’ homes throughout the five boroughs of New York City and parts of New Jersey.

Karen shares her experience as CEO and discusses her decision to retire, with practical advice for other nonprofit leaders to engage board members in succession planning. David, GLWD’s current CEO, discusses the transition process and how it set him up for success. Listen to what they learned about board involvement, organization-wide transparency, and how to achieve a (mostly) peaceful transition.

Subscribe to Mission + Markets for more insights for nonprofits and mission-focused organizations.

Under the Investment Advisers Act of 1940, this podcast is defined as an advertisement and includes an uncompensated testimonial by a CAPTRUST client. Please be advised that clients’ experiences as described in the podcast do not necessarily represent the experience of other clients.

Additional Resources

Heather Shanahan, CAPTRUST director of endowments and foundations, talks with LaVanda Brown and Courtney Johnson from the YWCA of Greater Charleston (YWCAGC). LaVanda has been the organization’s executive director for seven years, and Courtney is the current treasurer and incoming chair of the YWCAGC’s board.

In the episode, LaVanda and Courtney share their experiences navigating and supporting the YWCA’s mission of eliminating racism and empowering women. The three discuss the intentional decision to have an all-female board; the steps they’ve taken to honor the organization’s mission; the importance of staff and board member relationships; and strategic planning.

Subscribe to Mission + Markets for more insight for nonprofits and mission-focused organizations.

Under the Investment Advisers Act of 1940, this podcast is defined as an advertisement and includes an uncompensated testimonial by a CAPTRUST client. Please be advised that clients’ experiences as described in the podcast do not necessarily represent the experience of other clients.


Racial Equity Institute


Measuring Diversity in Nonprofits

Episode 51

In episode 51 of Revamping Retirement, Scott Matheson and Dawn McPherson are joined by John Sullivan, chief content officer at the American Retirement Association.

John has more than 25 years’ experience covering financial markets in roles such as editor-in-chief of 401(k) Specialist and Investment Advisor magazines and retirement editor of ThinkAdvisor.com.

Listen to hear key takeaways from the recent National Association of Plan Advisors (NAPA) Summit in San Diego, plus some of the challenges and opportunities plan sponsors face today.

Later, Mike Webb discusses new emergency savings options from the SECURE 2.0 Act in this month’s Minute with Mike.


SECURE 2.0 Opportunities for Plan Sponsors | Retirement Plan (captrust.com)

Anticipating SECURE 2.0 Changes (Webinar Recording) | Retirement Plan (captrust.com)

Episode 50

In episode 50 of Revamping Retirement, Jennifer Doss and Dawn McPherson talk with Chris Whitlow, CAPTRUST senior director of advice and wellness. Before joining CAPTRUST, Chris founded Edukate, a digital financial wellness platform. The three talk through what’s trending in terms of financial wellness, and why it’s the topic of conversation among retirement plan sponsors. Chris shares his advice to plan sponsors to identify and understand what their employees need when creating a financial wellness plan.

In Minute with Mike, Mike Webb provides insight on the SECURE 2.0 Act and student loan repayment.


CAPTRUST’s Financial Wellness Solution for Plan Sponsors

Home | CAPTRUST Advice

In the second episode of Mission + Markets, Heather Shanahan, CAPTRUST director of endowments and foundations, is joined by Bob Murray, executive director of Casual Simulation. Bob has more than 30 years of experience in the nonprofit and higher education development. The two discuss donor engagement, honoring your donor’s intent, and how to keep your organization’s story relevant as technology evolves. They also cover how a newer, startup-style nonprofit can partner with established organizations for success.

Subscribe to Mission + Markets for more insight for nonprofits and mission-focused organizations.

Additional Resources:

How Nonprofits Can Handle Major Gifts

Honoring Donor Intent | Endowment and Foundations