As retirement plan sponsors and their recordkeepers prepare to integrate applicable provisions, common questions are arising. Some relate to the details of Roth provisions, emergency savings accounts, and student loan repayments. Others ask about recordkeeper differences and how to understand participant needs.

In this webinar recording, CAPTRUST retirement plan practice leaders will review some frequently asked questions they are hearing from plan sponsors across the country and offer potential guidance and best practices for moving forward. Watch the recording and learn:

To download a copy of the transcript, click here.

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Anticipating SECURE 2.0 Changes (Webinar Recording) Slides

SECURE 2.0 Timeline

In this webinar recording, CAPTRUST’s endowment and foundation team explores the survey results. Watch to learn how nonprofit organizations are navigating market volatility; responding to calls for environmental, social, and governance (ESG) factors; and investing their portfolios to ensure perpetuity.

The insights gleaned offer a chance to understand what peers are doing and how top-performing organizations are breaking the mold regarding board member pipeline development, asset allocation, alternative investments, and more. Listen as we explore: 

To download a copy of the transcript, click here.

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2022 Endowment and Foundation Survey Results

At CAPTRUST, we find that most organizations, regardless of size, choose to rely on a plan committee to oversee and make critical decisions related to their retirement plans. Because of this, a plan committee and its members can shoulder a heavy load as they continuously monitor and make decisions regarding the plan’s investments, operations, administration, fees, and more.

One of the best things you can do for your committee members and your organization is to provide these individuals appropriate training.

In this webinar recording, our seasoned retirement professionals highlight fiduciary fundamentals, including:

[Yesterday 3:23 PM] Inglhofer, Kelly

To download a copy of the transcript, click here.

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Article: Fiduciary Update | February 2023

Note: This webinar was recorded on December 15, before the passage of SECURE 2.0 Act.

The social contract between employers and employees is shifting at an accelerated rate, leading many organizations to rethink their approaches to workforce management, including benefits, compensation, retirement savings, and more. What can plan sponsors learn from the past few years to help prepare for 2023?

In this webinar recording, four CAPTRUST retirement plan experts predict how 2023 trends in workforce dynamics and the markets may impact 401(k), 403(b), defined benefit, and nonqualified deferred compensation plans. Listen in to learn more about:

To download a copy of the transcript, click here.

The day a nonprofit receives a sizeable donation can be the beginning of a period of transformational growth for the organization. These gifts can help to create long-term stability, fund causes in perpetuity, allow organizations to execute their missions in new ways, and take some burden off of annual development goals. But for organizations that don’t have the infrastructure in place to manage that size of a donation, or the ability to establish it quickly, they may miss the opportunity to reap the full benefits.

In this webinar recording CAPTRUST advisor Eric Bailey, along with Bob Murray, associate VP for advancement and executive director of The Ferris Foundation, and Jessica Muroff, CEO of United Way Suncoast, discuss:

To download a copy of the transcript, click here.

Under the Investment Advisers Act of 1940, this webinar is defined as an advertisement and includes an uncompensated testimonial by CAPTRUST client The Ferris Foundation. Please be advised that client experiences as described in the webinar do not necessarily represent the experience of other clients.

This webinar recording begins with CAPTRUST Chief Investment Officer Mike Vogelzang sharing the latest on markets and volatility as we move towards the end of the year.

Then, CAPTRUST Head of Wealth Management Eddie Welch discusses family dynamics in financial decision-making with New Orleans-based Principal Andrew Wisdom and Legacy Capitals Consultant Kristen Heaney. It’s common for one person in a relationship to take the primary role in financial decision-making. But this dynamic can be detrimental if the other partner is completely disengaged.

Whether you’re a husband, wife, child, or other family member, this webinar recording is designed for all people who are navigating financial decisions together and will highlight:
•    how to engage a partner in financial discussions when they are uninterested;
•    the importance of assembling your financial roundtable; and
•    ways to merge multiple viewpoints on money.

To download a copy of the transcript, click here.

According to a recent report, a couple with median prescription drug expenses needs $182,000 in savings to pay for healthcare expenses during retirement. Traditionally thought of only as a way to pay for annual healthcare expenses, one often overlooked way to save for retirement can be a health savings account (HSA).

In this webinar recording, CAPTRUST Defined Contribution Practice Leader Jennifer Doss is joined by Wes Collins, senior manager of advice and wellness for CAPTRUST, and Lindsay Barnard, senior product manager at Alegeus, a provider of healthcare payment solutions that partners with the industry’s leading health plans, third-party administrators, and financial services and benefit-solution providers. Together they discuss:

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Webinar Slides

In this webinar recording, CAPTRUST’s Debra Gates, Barry Schmitt, and Mike Webb discuss best practices for communication with plan participants, including:

To download a copy of the transcript, click here.

An appropriately structured 3(38) engagement frees the plan sponsor from the time involved in the selection and monitoring of plan investments and from the liability of those decisions. In addition to growing interest from mid-sized and small plan sponsors, interest in 3(38) engagements have moved up stream, with more large plan sponsors evaluating the benefits of hiring a 3(38) investment manager. This trend is occurring for several reasons, including the recent increase in litigation and committees being increasingly pressed for time.

In this webinar recording, a panel of CAPTRUST experts discuss the current investment management landscape and share best practices for how plan sponsors can implement 3(38).

To download a copy of the transcript, click here.

With participant assets and retirement security on the line, cybersecurity weighs heavily on many retirement plan sponsors’ minds. While the recently issued cybersecurity guidance from the DOL provides a roadmap to help prevent against cyber threats, the heightened emphasis indicates that cybersecurity will likely remain a DOL focus for years to come.

In this webinar recording, CAPTRUST Chief Technology Officer Jon Meyer and Financial Advisors Devyn Duex and Mike Webb are joined by Jennifer Doss, CAPTRUST’s senior director and defined contribution practice leader, to discuss: