How HSAs Can Help Participants Tackle Retirement Healthcare Costs (Webinar Recording)

One often overlooked way to save for retirement can be a health savings account (HSA).

According to a recent report, a couple with median prescription drug expenses needs $182,000 in savings to pay for healthcare expenses during retirement. Traditionally thought of only as a way to pay for annual healthcare expenses, one often overlooked way to save for retirement can be a health savings account (HSA).

In this webinar recording, CAPTRUST Defined Contribution Practice Leader Jennifer Doss is joined by Wes Collins, senior manager of advice and wellness for CAPTRUST, and Lindsay Barnard, senior product manager at Alegeus, a provider of healthcare payment solutions that partners with the industry’s leading health plans, third-party administrators, and financial services and benefit-solution providers. Together they discuss:

  • how HSAs can be a key tool in helping participants save for retirement;
  • trends in how employees and employers are utilizing the HSA benefit;
  • the questions that participants are most often asking about HSAs; and
  • the outlook for HSA growth.

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