Membership Organizations

For membership organizations such as professional organizations, social clubs, labor organizations, retirement fund associations, and civic leagues.

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How Can We Help?

As a co-fiduciary to membership organizations, we provide advice, support, and strategies that help our clients achieve their missions.

CAPTRUST works to deliver value and support for our nonprofit clients in three distinct areas: investing, mission alignment, and fiduciary governance education.

We provide asset management strategies that allow you to best support your members and the causes that are important to you. Our expert advisors deliver useful and relevant peer information and benchmarking that assist with member recruitment, and tools that support transparency and communication with your membership.

Our Suite of Services

Asset Allocation

Diversification of an investment portfolio across a variety of investment types with different risk and return characteristics.

Committee Development & Education

Assistance with the implementation of best practices for endowment investment committee composition and ongoing governance.

Discretionary Investment Management

Management of client investment portfolio assets based upon stated guidelines, goals, and objectives.

Donor Development

Portfolio reporting and capital markets perspective intended to help drive donor confidence and engagement.

ESG Investing

Alignment of portfolio investments with an investor’s ethical considerations or values.

Fee Benchmarking

Periodic assessment of the competitiveness or appropriateness of fees charged by investment managers.

Investment & Spending Policy Development

Assistance with the documentation of policies governing portfolio risk, investment selection, ongoing portfolio monitoring, and distributions.

Manager Search & Selection

Identification of investment managers fitting a particular profile for inclusion in an endowment’s investment strategy.

Nondiscretionary Investment Advice

Portfolio recommendations and changes implemented in collaboration with an investment committee.

Performance Reporting & Monitoring

Quarterly assessment of investment manager or portfolio returns and risk relative to peer groups and indexes.

Trustee/Custodian Search

Process oversight and assistance with identifying and selecting a trustee or custodian for endowment investment assets.

To truly enrich the lives of our clients, we have to start by working backwards. First, we need to understand what people need and what problems we can help them solve. Then we can make sure they have the right tools and resources to succeed. That’s the way we’ve structured our firm and grown it over the years—by working to understand what people want and need.
J. Fielding Miller Chairman and Chief Executive Officer

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CAPTRUST provides industry-leading insights, opinions, and recommendations for endowments and foundations through a suite of thought capital that includes our quarterly market thoughts and investment strategy, plus topical webinars, articles, videos, and our nonprofit-focused monthly podcast, Mission + Markets.