Religious Organizations
For religious organizations such as church-affiliated endowments, foundations, healthcare providers, and education institutions working to balance faith and finances.
For religious organizations such as church-affiliated endowments, foundations, healthcare providers, and education institutions working to balance faith and finances.
As the market leader advising religious institutions, CAPTRUST has developed services to address the special demands of religious organizations such as church-affiliated endowments, foundations, healthcare providers, and education institutions.
CAPTRUST can help with investment manager search and selection, investment policy creation, ESG investing, portfolio design, performance measurement, retirement plan consulting and design, and fiduciary education.
Diversification of an investment portfolio across a variety of investment types with different risk and return characteristics.
Assistance with the implementation of best practices for endowment investment committee composition and ongoing governance.
Management of client investment portfolio assets based upon stated guidelines, goals, and objectives.
Portfolio reporting and capital markets perspective intended to help drive donor confidence and engagement.
Alignment of portfolio investments with an investor’s ethical considerations or values.
Periodic assessment of the competitiveness or appropriateness of fees charged by investment managers.
Assistance with the documentation of policies governing portfolio risk, investment selection, ongoing portfolio monitoring, and distributions.
Identification of investment managers fitting a particular profile for inclusion in an endowment’s investment strategy.
Portfolio recommendations and changes implemented in collaboration with an investment committee.
Quarterly assessment of investment manager or portfolio returns and risk relative to peer groups and indexes.
Process oversight and assistance with identifying and selecting a trustee or custodian for endowment investment assets.
Have questions about moving forward? We’re more than happy to answer them. Get in touch to see how joining CAPTRUST can benefit you and your clients.
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