Defined Benefit Retirement Plans
For defined benefit retirement plan sponsors in search of investment management, asset-liability expertise, or co-fiduciary services.
For defined benefit retirement plan sponsors in search of investment management, asset-liability expertise, or co-fiduciary services.
Our top priority when working with plan sponsors is to ensure that they are meeting their obligations to participants and their fiduciary responsibilities.
We work with defined benefit plan sponsors as either 3(21) investment advisors or 3(38) investment managers. In either role, our first step is to understand the organization’s unique goals, objectives, constraints, and risk tolerance. Then, we analyze assets and liabilities to develop an investment policy statement while providing specific recommendations.
Delivery of ERISA fiduciary risk management services for defined contribution retirement plans.
Provide consultative support on all aspects of your plan’s valuation and to meet all filing, certificate, and disclosure requirements.
Diversification of an investment portfolio across a variety of investment types with different risk and return characteristics.
Periodic assessment of the competitiveness or appropriateness of fees charged by investment managers.
Periodic updates on retirement plan related issues and developments and best practices for retirement plan committee members.
Creation and management of an age-based asset allocation strategy for retirement plan participants that becomes more conservative over time.
Identification and structuring of appropriate investment options to be included in a defined contribution plan.
Assistance with the creation and execution of documents governing selection of plan investments and their ongoing monitoring.
Development of investment strategies designed to fund future pension plan liabilities while managing risk.
Identification of investment managers fitting a particular profile for inclusion in a retirement plan’s investment menu.
Development of supplemental retirement savings plans to recruit, reward, and retain key employees.
Discretionary portfolio management that includes asset allocation, plus ongoing investment selection and monitoring for a pension plan.
Analysis and support for sponsors looking to offload pension plan risk via lump sum or annuity payments.
Quarterly assessment of investment manager or portfolio returns and risk relative to peer groups and indexes.
Analysis of key defined contribution plan features that drive costs, competitiveness, and employee retention.
Analysis and advice on the costs and benefits of investments offsetting nonqualified deferred compensation plan liabilities.
Process oversight and assistance with identifying and selecting a retirement plan recordkeeper.